Cynthia joined Emmanuel with her one-hit wonder, Aidyn Rae, in 2021 — around the time that Mother Karen took the helm of our glorious crew. Cynthia‘s love for the Episcopal Church started in graduate school during a qualitative research study in which she interviewed clergy of various denominations and she immediately resonated with the Episcopalian intellect.
Her first episcopal home was All Saints in Beverly Hills in California. After returning to Texas to raise Aidyn in Lockhart, she started attending St. Marks in San Marcos. They finally planted roots at Emmanuel, post-pandemic, after looking for a church family close to home.
Cynthia mostly loves her work-from-home, walk-to-school lifestyle, where her colleagues are a rambunctious poodle and an elderly cat. When she’s not working or managing Aidyn‘s busy schedule, Cynthia enjoys taking selfies with her pets and using sarcasm to cope with parenthood.
Miki’s family moved to Lockhart in 1977 when they retired from the military, so she grew up in Emmanuel! After college and a 15-year career in the golf business, Miki and her husband moved back to the area in 2010. They now live in Martindale on a few acres, and enjoy the slower country life. Miki currently works as an oil and gas landman and a Realtor. She strives to follow her mother’s example in service to the Church through serving as a lay eucharistic minister, lector, and now Vestry member.
Lucy moved to Lockhart as a young bride in 1973 and in 1976 decided she needed “to get back to church.” From the first time she walked into Emmanuel, she knew that she was home. Lucy has served as a Vestry member, Senior Warden under two Rectors, chair of the Search committee, Treasurer; Altar Guild chair, and perennial delegate or alternate to Diocesan Council. Lucy’s is the Branch Manager for Independence Title in Lockhart. “Emmanuel Episcopal is a vibrant beacon welcoming many diverse and interesting souls.”
Kevin is inseparable from his family: his husband, Jaston, and their son, Song. The family was invited to church by Pat Allred in 2009. Kevin is a musicologist, guitarist, and Senior Lecturer at Texas State University. We are so fortunate to have him as a part of our Music Ministry that plays during Service. Kevin has served two terms on the Vestry. “From our first church service, our family was welcomed. Quickly, our family became active and proud members of Emmanuel's church family. We love the diversity that makes up Emmanuel's members and the Spiritual guidance we've received from Father Tom and now Mother Karen. Moving forward, we would like to see Emmanuel continue to embrace diversity and inclusion.
Melody and her two children, Izzy and Mariah, started attending Emmanuel in 2016. They attended off and on for a while; and then, when Melodie’s mother died, life became hard, so she (and her family) got more involved. The people at Emmanuel were warming and opened their arms. Her aunt and uncle and a bunch of cousins, nieces and nephews also attend Emmanuel. Outside of church, Melodie is engaged in her children’s life, in PTO and Girl Scouts (think cookies!) etc. She also assists an elderly friend and volunteers with the Victim Assistance Team in Lockhart.
Marcia Proctor and her husband, Arnold returned to Lockhart in 2018 and joined Emmanuel post Covid. The couple are proud parents to 4 children, 7 grandchildren and 2 great grandsons. Before retirement, Marcia taught math, computer science, and data processing before becoming a technology director and then a grants administrator in school districts. Marcia and Arnie love our small historic, 170 year old church and the welcoming community. They appreciate being asked to participate in the various ministries including Vestry.
Karen was raised an Episcopalian and became a member of our church when she moved to Lockhart in 2018. From the first service she attended, she found the church members so friendly and welcoming. She attends with her daughter, Kelly, son-in-law Derek, granddaughter Millie and grandson Derek. Karen loves how open and accepting people are of children in church. “People are so open. You can talk to anyone at breakfast.”
Karen teaches Godly Play for 3–7-year-olds (from 9:30 – 10:20 a.m. on Sundays). She involves her grandchildren in Meals on Wheels when the church runs the program during the year. Karen was a first-grade teacher for 34 years and currently teaches ESL on line to people all over the world.
Lynne Lewis found our church the same week in January of 1987 that she and her husband moved to Lockhart, intrigued by the historical marker. (Our church is over 150 years old.) After the first service, Lynne was invited for coffee in the parish hall and the greeters made her feel like home. She called her friend, Barbara Mars, and told her “I’ve found us a church!”
Currently, Lynne is the coordinator and instructor for adult bible study on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (all are welcome). She is also a member of the Alter Guild, the Lunch Ladies as well as Vestry. She is a retired social worker and volunteers weekly to tutor second graders in reading.
Rebecca Ballard came to Emmanuel shortly after moving to Lockhart five years ago. She stayed with Emmanuel because of the beauty and spirituality of the church family. Rebecca finds joy in frequent visits with her grandsons.
John’s parents didn’t attend church, so one day, when he was nine, his next-door neighbor, Skeet Caldwell, invited him to ride with her and her two children to attend Sunday School and church at Emmanual Episcopal. At 10, he became and acolyte, and at 14 he was baptized and confirmed by The Suffragan Bishop Richard Earl Dicus. When John was 15, he and his mother moved to Austin, and he attended St. David’s Episcopal. When he was 16, he moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin and attended St. Matthews Episcopal. He joined the army at 19 and served as the battalion sergeant major’s clerk in the 1st Missile Battalion, 32nd Artillery located near Hanau, Germany. Three years later, he decided to return to civilian life, and went to work for the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) in Austin and Corsicana. He finally returned to Lockhart and is back at Emmanuel Episcopal. John is active in the church serving as lay eucharistic minister.